Objavljeno 27.11.2017. 13:54
Marina Kelava
"We were poor before, but we had rivers, we went fishing, we grew some food and we lived well. Now our children can only see that on TV. The course of the river has been changed, the forest has been cut, and we are prisoners in our own village", explains Hilario Vega, resident of the village of Boqueron in the northeast of Colombia. The whole village has been waiting to be relocated for seven years. The air pollution coming from the coal mines surrounding the village is so severe that it is endangering their lives.
Objavljeno 27.11.2017. 11:59
Saša Danon, Bonn
"2016 was the deadliest year on record for environmental defenders, and 2017 is on its way to be even worse", said Katharina Rall, High Commissioner from Human Rights Watch (HRW) at UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn this November. Rall was the advocate for human and indigenous rights during negotiations on COP23. The rate of killing of environmental defenders has risen to four per week. Of the 200 defenders that were killed in 2016, 40 percent were indigenous, even though the total population of indigenous people represents approximately five percent of the global population.
Objavljeno 13.12.2016. 12:19
Ivana Perić
Eyal Sivan, French-Israeli filmmaker, the guest of 14. HRFF: Israel was established as a state for the Jews, which makes Israel a racist state. There is a difference between state racism and a racist state – in Israel we have both. What is the big Israeli question? The Israeli question is to renounce some of our privileges. The only question is the willingness to share power. All the time we hear this "we'll give rights", "equal rights" talk. What does that mean? Who is the one giving rights? Can the Palestinians give Israelis rights? Women to men?
Objavljeno 13.12.2016. 12:19
Ivana Perić
Eyal Sivan, French-Israeli filmmaker, the guest of 14. HRFF: Israel was established as a state for the Jews, which makes Israel a racist state. There is a difference between state racism and a racist state – in Israel we have both. What is the big Israeli question? The Israeli question is to renounce some of our privileges. The only question is the willingness to share power. All the time we hear this "we'll give rights", "equal rights" talk. What does that mean? Who is the one giving rights? Can the Palestinians give Israelis rights? Women to men?